Welcome to Germania..!


I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your excellent teaching and guidance throughout the course. Your dedication and enthusiasm for teaching German was commendable. Your teaching style, with its emphasis on clear explanations, practical examples, and interactive activities, has made learning German a fun and rewarding experience. I appreciate your patience and encouragement, especially during challenging times when I struggled to grasp certain concepts or vocabulary. I have also benefited greatly from your feedback and personalized attention, which has helped me improve my German skills significantly. Your commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment has made me feel comfortable and supported, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from you. Once again, thank you for being an outstanding German language teacher
Atharv Jogdeo
Mechanical Engineer
I joined Germania in August 2022 and still learning in germania. My experience till now has been so great and I feel lucky to be present here. There is a lot of professionalism in Mrudula maam’s teaching. The way she teaches is very impressive. She explains each and every word so that there are no doubts arising further. After a particular Topic she listens to all the doubts and solves them. She makes sure that all the students understand the smallest things. She is very kind and particular in her teaching. Whenever the exams are upcoming, she takes prior exam preparation which really helps students to excel in the exams. I’ve never felt boring to learn German from her. It’s my happy place! Because of her teaching students take interest and are keen to explore new things in the language. Glad to be a part of Germania Family:))
Ayushi Sugandhi
Commerce Student
Hallo!  My German experience with Germania has been the best! I joined Germania back when I was in 12th when I didn't know the ABCs and was completely clueless about the language. But with Germania, not only did I pass the exams but I got an amazing passion for the language. I got 88% in German in 12th, 93 in A1 and 82 in A2. All because of Germania. Mrudula tai's teaching has made me confident enough to do a bachelor's degree in a language which I was definitely scared of. Her teaching is amazing and her approach is friendly and open which makes one comfortable with her and also makes learning easier and better! I always recommend her classes to anyone asking me for class recommendations and would definitely keep doing so! :D
Avanti Parkhi
Arts Student
Hello everyone! It's been 11 months since I joined 'Germania' and the changes are undoubtedly visible. When I started, I had just received a certificate in German from the University of Pune. But I lacked confidence in sentence construction and speaking. But now I can form simple sentences and even converse with a native German speaker without breaking a sweat. At 'Germania' you get individual attention, focus on grammar with many exercises (in class and as homework), correction of sentence structure, and reading comprehension. This lays the foundation for overall improvement and you gain a lot of confidence. If you are serious about the German language, I recommend joining 'Germania'.
Sheetal Deshpande
Software Engineer
It’s been an amazing journey to learn the German language. Starting from day 1 till the last day of A1 level class, all the classes were interesting and as of now I’ve started the A2 level and therefore I have gained a lot of interest in German language and all the credit goes to Mrudula ma’am. She personally give the attention to each and every student in the class so we can ask her any doubt anytime. I would definitely like to learn next levels of German from Mrudula ma’am. Thank you Germania!!
Madhura Kenjale
Software Engineer
Hello, I had done A1 level from another tutor. I then attended demo class at Germania, and suddenly realised the difference between my previous institute and this one! She pays keen attention to your pronunciation and grammar. She also makes sure you learn vocabulary - by giving you in-depth knowledge. In her demo class, there was a vast difference between me and her A1 students - I immediately realised I needed much improvement. I'm just about to complete A2 level, and I have an increased confidence. I can clearly express my thoughts and I'm rarely out of words! My pronunciation is never wrong, all because of her teaching! Mrudula ma'am is the best teacher. I should have joined her right from A1, but it's still amazing how she raised my level of knowledge in such a beautiful way! I'm confident that when I step out into the society, I'll be able to speak German easily and correctly. Bonus: she gave us “more than enough” practice worksheets and sample tests for Göthe exam preparation! It helped a lot! I had completed my exam well before time!
Isha K.
Instrumentation Engineer
Firstly I am thankful to Mrudula ma’am for her spectacular guidance and support. Her knowledge about the language is vast. I got all my doubts cleared. Also got confidence. Overall it was an amazing experience learning with Germania. Apart from that she is very friendly and one of the coolest mentor. She surely motivates you and makes thing done right. Till date it was an amazing experience with her.
Anushree Gore